Women’s Hormone Lifecycles: Pre-Menopause
What is Pre-Menopause Many women (and most medical professionals) are unaware that hormone imbalances typically begin during a woman’s early 30s. Often, symptoms of Pre-Menopause, or pre-menopause, are misdiagnosed and mistreated. Progesterone, sometimes called the feel-good hormone, is usually the first to decline. As progesterone begins to decline and estrogen becomes more dominant, symptoms such as […]
Women’s Hormone Lifecycles
What are Hormone Lifecycles? Throughout your lifetime, your hormones have your body on remote control. Hormones act as chemical messengers communicating to all the tissues in your body, including your brain, bone, heart, skin, and more. When hormone production is optimal, and levels are balanced, you feel great, have plenty of energy, easily maintain a […]
4 Truths About Hormone Balance that Everyone Should Know
If you are suffering from fatigue, depression, low sex drive, weight gain, or any type of PMS or menopause symptoms, you know that hormone imbalance can turn your world upside down. Feeling better may seem impossible! Your hormones are your body’s most potent chemical messengers, so when they are out of whack, your whole system […]
What Is Andropause? (Male Menopause)
Men are by no means immune to the downturn of hormone levels with age. In fact, the most potent force underlying mental and physical energy in men, the testosterone drive, starts to decline in a man’s mid-forties, or even earlier, depending on lifestyle and stress levels. But unlike the ‘roller coaster’ effect in menopausal women, […]