Demystifying Andropause (Male Menopause): Part Two
More than weight gain or a lack of sex drive, there are risks associated with low testosterone levels. Physical Symptoms of Andropause When testosterone levels begin to drop, men lose lean muscle mass and add on the pounds, particularly around the abdomen. The change in body composition has more impact than just a “spare tire.” […]
The Unknown Epidemic of Estrogen Dominance
One of the most common (yet severely under-diagnosed) types of hormone imbalance is “estrogen dominance.” Dr. Randolph and our clinical team firmly believe that estrogen dominance is an unrecognized epidemic in modern life. Estrogen dominance can short-circuit your internal remote control physically, emotionally, and mentally! Symptoms include fatigue, depression, low libido/poor sex drive, mood swings/increased […]
How Food Affects Hormone Balance: Leptin Resistance
Another hormone that is affected by the foods you eat is leptin, sometimes called the “satiety” hormone. We believe that eating healthy good food is an important act of self-care, a gift that you can give to yourself every day! Food and Hormones Are Related Every bite of food you put into your body is […]
How to Beat Stress & Adrenal Fatigue
Mothers are the ultimate multi-taskers: they manage their kids’ school requirements, doctor’s appointments, birthday parties, music and dance lessons, and sports – while managing household needs and working full-time in or out of the home (or both!). Often mothers bear the heaviest load when it comes to childcare, home care, and the care of aging […]
3 Ways Hormone Imbalance Can Affect Your Sex Life
From your early thirties on, hormone imbalance can compromise your sex life by affecting your energy, physical sensitivity, responsiveness, and desire. Read below to learn the three most common ways hormone imbalances can affect your sex life. What’s Happening? As you age your hormone levels begin to change which affects many areas of your life, […]
The Truth About Estrogen Dominance and Breast Cancer
Solid medical science and clinical studies have established that an underlying and untreated condition of estrogen dominance significantly increases your breast cancer risk: women who develop breast cancer have higher estrogen levels than women without breast cancer. Some studies have also shown that women who had been treated for breast cancer, and who continued to […]
What Are Sex Hormones?
Most people know that the hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA play important roles in human reproduction. What you may not know is that they also help regulate many other functions in the body, from sleep patterns to your moods and memory, bone growth, muscle strength, and much more. To understand the many negative effects […]
Can Progesterone Protect YOU from Heart Disease?
You may have heard that after women enter menopause, their risk of heart disease rises sharply. Why? Mainstream medical thinking has pointed to the significant drop in estrogen as a possible cause for an increase in LDL (sometimes called the “bad” cholesterol) and a drop in HDL (the “good cholesterol). For many years it was […]
Why Is Progesterone So Important for Your Health & Vitality?
What is progesterone? Why is this hormone so important? For too long, estrogen has been considered the star of the show when it comes to female hormones. Estrogen is responsible for the development of your sex characteristics, breasts, curvy hips, and pubic hair, as well as other functions: maintaining the menstrual cycle, and preparing the […]
Hormone Health & Skin Health: Estriol Face Cream
What is Estriol Face Cream? Dr. Randolph’s NEW prescription-only Estriol Face Cream consists of Estriol 0.3% , DMAE 3%, and Hyaluronic Acid 0.5% mixed in a cream base. Dr. Randolph, along with Compounding Pharmacist Will McGalliard, developed this combination of ingredients to provide a clinically-proven treatment that will boost collagen, reduce wrinkles, improve skin moisture […]