Demystifying Andropause (Male Menopause): Part Two
More than weight gain or a lack of sex drive, there are risks associated with low testosterone levels. Physical Symptoms of Andropause When testosterone levels begin to drop, men lose lean muscle mass and add on the pounds, particularly around the abdomen. The change in body composition has more impact than just a “spare tire.” […]
Demystifying Andropause (Male Menopause): Part One
“What do you mean you’re not “in the mood?” If this question is something that regularly comes up, it may mean that you’re suffering from a problem commonly called “male menopause.” Male menopause is very real, and it has a name: Andropause… What Do I Need to Know About Andropause? The most potent force underlying mental […]
How to Beat Stress & Adrenal Fatigue
Mothers are the ultimate multi-taskers: they manage their kids’ school requirements, doctor’s appointments, birthday parties, music and dance lessons, and sports – while managing household needs and working full-time in or out of the home (or both!). Often mothers bear the heaviest load when it comes to childcare, home care, and the care of aging […]
Does Stress Impact Your Hormone Health? (Hint: It Does!)
Adrenaline and cortisol are the two hormones that regulate the sympathetic nervous system in response to stress, and they directly influence mood, energy, sleep, and mental functioning. The amount of each hormone your adrenal glands produce is related to the amount of stress you experience. Common stressors include juggling work and family issues; being laid […]