1891 Beach Blvd., Suite 200
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

Phone: 904.249.3743
Fax: 904.249.2047

Clinic Hours:

Mon – Thurs: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Frid: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

5 Ways to Build Strong Bones

Bone is a living tissue with complex nutritional needs. This living tissue is also constantly being regenerated. Cells called osteoclasts break down the bone tissue, and the osteoblast cells build it up again. What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone tissue cannot keep up with the removal of old bone tissue. […]

Keeping Your Brain Healthy

Aging doesn’t mean that your mental acuity has to deteriorate. There are certain key steps you can take to help keep your brain happy and healthy. In an Institute of Aging report, there was a recent study done on cognitive aging. The term “cognition” describes the brain’s ability to make decisions, problem-solve, process, and remember. Throughout our […]

Demystifying Andropause (Male Menopause): Part One

Male stressed being consoled

“What do you mean you’re not “in the mood?” If this question is something that regularly comes up, it may mean that you’re suffering from a problem commonly called “male menopause.” Male menopause is very real, and it has a name: Andropause… What Do I Need to Know About Andropause? The most potent force underlying mental […]

Eating for Better Hormone Health: What Is Insulin Resistance?

older couple smiling at each other with woman feeding man some salad

Let’s remember a simple truth: We are what we eat! It is always a great time to think about healthy eating. At the Ageless & Wellness Medical Center, we focus on whole-person, holistic health care, and that means looking at your long-term goals for a healthy life. We know that a slice of pie is […]

How to Beat Stress & Adrenal Fatigue

Happy women of different ages hugging

Mothers are the ultimate multi-taskers: they manage their kids’ school requirements, doctor’s appointments, birthday parties, music and dance lessons, and sports – while managing household needs and working full-time in or out of the home (or both!). Often mothers bear the heaviest load when it comes to childcare, home care, and the care of aging […]

Immune System Support: What Else Can You Do?

If you seem to catch every little illness that goes around and are beginning to feel that you are sick most of the time, or if you cannot seem to catch a break between colds, the flu, and allergies – your immune system may need some extra attention. What Weakens My Immune System? As the […]

3 Ways to Improve Your Mood, Cognition, and Memory

Doctor holding vector image of brain in hands

Your brain is the largest and (arguably) the most important organ in your body — without it, you cannot function! When stress, low moods, fatigue, and brain fog arise, your brain definitely needs support to function optimally. Balanced Hormones and Your Brain Balanced hormones and nutritional supplements can provide powerful mood, cognition, and memory support. […]

What Are Sex Hormones?

Male and Femaile signs

Most people know that the hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA play important roles in human reproduction. What you may not know is that they also help regulate many other functions in the body, from sleep patterns to your moods and memory, bone growth, muscle strength, and much more. To understand the many negative effects […]

Fatigue, Dry Skin, Poor Memory: Is It Stress? Or Something Else?

Woman checking dry skin

Perhaps you or someone you know has suffered from some of the following mild symptoms: fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, cold intolerance, depression, and poor memory. There are so many possible causes for these kinds of problems that it is easy to assume you’re “just not getting enough sleep,” or that you’re “just feeling a little […]

Can Progesterone Protect YOU from Heart Disease?

Woman holding heart

You may have heard that after women enter menopause, their risk of heart disease rises sharply. Why? Mainstream medical thinking has pointed to the significant drop in estrogen as a possible cause for an increase in LDL (sometimes called the “bad” cholesterol) and a drop in HDL (the “good cholesterol). For many years it was […]